Microsoft jdbc driver 6.2 for sql server resultset
Microsoft jdbc driver 6.2 for sql server resultset

microsoft jdbc driver 6.2 for sql server resultset microsoft jdbc driver 6.2 for sql server resultset

If you know that your application does not require table name information, this setting provides the best performance. Because of this, the getTableName() method may return an empty string for each column in the result set. If the value set for this property is greater than the number of prepared statements used by the application, all prepared statements are cached.īy default, the SQL Server driver skips the additional processing required to return the correct table name for each column in the result set when the ResultSetMetaData.getTableName() method is called. For example, if the MaxPooledStatements property is set to 20, the driver caches the last 20 prepared statements created by the application. When the driver's internal prepared statement pooling is enabled, the driver caches a certain number of prepared statements created by an application. To improve performance, the driver's own internal prepared statement pooling should be enabled when the driver does not run from within an application server or from within another application that does not provide its own prepared statement pooling. Performance can be improved by increasing the amount of memory used by the driver before writing data to disk or by forcing the driver to never write insensitive result set data to disk. By default, the driver caches 2 MB of insensitive result set data in memory and writes any remaining result set data to disk. To improve performance when using scroll-insensitive result sets, the driver can cache the result set data in memory instead of writing it to disk. Setting the following connection properties for the SQL Server driver as described in the following list can improve performance for your applications: This ID can be used for distributed transaction cleanup purposes. The transaction group ID that identifies any transactions initiated by the connection. The BEA WebLogic Type 4 JDBC MS SQL Server driver (the “SQL Server driver”) supports the following database management system versions: BEA recommends that you use the new BEA WebLogic Type 4 JDBC MS SQL Server driver in place of the WebLogic jDriver for Microsoft SQL Server.

microsoft jdbc driver 6.2 for sql server resultset

The new driver offers JDBC 3.0 compliance, support for some JDBC 2.0 extensions, and better performance. The BEA WebLogic Type 4 JDBC MS SQL Server driver (the subject of this chapter) replaces the WebLogic jDriver for Microsoft SQL Server, which is deprecated.

Microsoft jdbc driver 6.2 for sql server resultset